When driving a commercial truck, you rely on the vehicle to complete tasks for your job. However, it needs proper upkeep to reduce the risk of problems that can cause delays and unsafe situations. One essential maintenance step is a truck alignment, which adjusts the suspension system. Here’s why you should get this service regularly to keep your vehicle in optimal condition.

When Do You Need a Truck Alignment?

Without regular truck alignments, a commercial vehicle experiences various problems. One common issue is an unusual vibration, jostling the driver as they travel long distances. This sensation can make journeys more uncomfortable. 

The steering wheel will also pull in a certain direction and be harder to control, especially when driving on wet or icy roads. You can also spot visible damage on the tires, such as cracks or bubbles. Because the vehicle leans excessively on one side over the other when neglecting alignment, the wheels will wear out faster.

Why Are Truck Alignments Beneficial?

Getting your truck aligned by a professional at every other oil change or after every 6,000 miles keeps the tires in good shape for longer. Here are a few ways you can benefit from their extended life span:

  • Avoid problems that can make driving unsafe, like vibrations or premature wear.
  • Save money by preventing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
  • Help keep other vehicle components from breaking down, such as ball joints, springs, and shock absorbers.
  • Keep the vehicle running in excellent condition, improving fuel economy and leading to a safer and smoother ride.

Ensure your vehicle receives its routine truck alignment at Texas Commercial Tire in Hutchins and Temple. This family-owned and -operated company has served the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 2017. They are certified by the Tire Industry Association and use state-of-the-art Hunter® alignment equipment to ensure your truck works in optimal condition. Call (972) 225-6640 in Hutchins or (254) 321-9961 in Temple to schedule an appointment Monday through Saturday. To browse their current promotions, visit their website.